Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This semester was a big eye opener for me, meaning that I realised that I actually was not that bad in this class. I enjoyed myself a lot, even if some of the projects frustrated me, I felt relaxed most of the time. It was easy to figure out what to do and also it made it easier for me to zone out on what I am doing. I thought that this should have been maybe a whole year class so we could have more time to work on things and develop our work more, but I think that the assignments were well explained. I feel that my imagination with art has developed more and I have become more okay with "trial and error" aspect as while. I know what my strong and weak abilities are now, which make things a lot easier as well.

With the pop art assignment, we learned about the art movement that first displayed pop art as a more gritty and comical parody of life. One of the more famous artist was Andy Warhol who did portraits of famous people, but in his opinion of what they looked like to him. Instead of doing it by hand, I used Adobe Flash to do the outline of my picture and then Photoshop to colour it in. On this assignment, I wanted to have an alternate version of my self that was what I thought was cool or pretty in someway to my mind.

For these space scapes we used Corel Painter, which I feel is pretty easy to navigate through. With this piece, I wanted something that had depth, colour, and maybe even a little intrigue. Maybe something that makes you ask, "Is that a planet being sucked into a black hole?" 

This other space scape made it on my list of favourites because it's not one of my colourful ones. It is the more grittier looking one of the eleven space scapes that I did, this one is also the only one that I liked that had the ring around it. I wanted to give a dead planet feel to it, as if you are coming up onto this tiny planet and you are looking at it from a space ship.